The founders of Monolithic Corporate firmly believe in helping others and the value of community service. Since 1992, Monolithic Corporate members have proudly worked with, supported and helped many community and not for profit organisations. Listed below are some of those groups and organisations:
Conquer Cystic Fibrosis Inc
Cottesloe Primary School
Heart In Corporate Pty Ltd
Cana Communities
Narrogin Women's Refuge
Camp Quality
Heartkids WA
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Free Spirit Dance Community
Rites Together
Arthritis Foundation of WA Inc.

Monolithic Corporate has been an active supporter of the Conquer Cystic Fibrosis (CCF) Ball since 2004. During this time Annette has been instrumental in the growth and transformation of the committee and charity, from a group of mums and dads raising approximately $45,000 per year, to a 100% Volunteer run organisation raising nearly $500,000 per year (net) for cystic fibrosis research and services. Annette’s strengths include the ability to “think outside the box”, to introduce ideas and strategies for improvement and growth, and to rise above the minutia and focus the COM on our overall strategic aims and purposes. She has been integral to our success.”
Wendy Endebrock-Brown, Director Conquer Cystic Fibrosis
Monolithic Corporate has been assisting The Free Spirit Dance Community Inc. for the last two years through its transformation towards The Free Spirit Community. The team has brought our whole community together through the use of structured planning days and consequent group work facilitation, of how this growth and transformation can be achieved. They have helped us to identify that our ideology of being a not-for-profit has allowed our community strengths as a supportive, nurturing, non-competitive environment to empower individuals through promoting physical, emotional and social well-being. Their transformative group work facilitation has certainly been beneficial to our whole community.”
Fiona Watts, Management Committee The Free Spirit Dance Community Inc.